In case you’re a site owner, a problem can always appear and it does not automatically need to be associated with the hosting service. For instance, something may go wrong when you update an app or some crucial content may be modified or erased incidentally. Whatever the nature of the problem may be, you will need to get in touch with the respective help desk team and request them to restore a backup or to assist you in fixing the problem that you are encountering. How quickly they’ll do this will determine the period of time that your websites will be unreachable. For certain websites such as social networking sites or online shopping portals, a continual outage period often means lost visitors and money. Having said that, it is extremely important that you use the services of a company that offers not only a very good client care service, but also a timely one.
One-Hour Response Guarantee in Hosting
If you’re using any of our Linux hosting and you’ve got an inquiry or run into a certain complication, you can contact us 24/7/365 by opening a support ticket or by sending an e-mail and we promise that you’ll obtain an answer in no more than an hour. In case the issue can be solved, we will do it before we get back to you, whereas if there is something that you need to do on your end, we’ll give you all the required info – what settings to check, what workable solutions to try, and so on. Normally, you will get an answer within less than half an hour, which means that waiting for hours and hours on end or even for more than a day to receive help is something unthinkable. Our sixty-minute reply guarantee is valid for any enquiry that you might have – billing, technical or general.
One-Hour Response Guarantee in Semi-dedicated Hosting
Our support engineers are available all the time and they will respond to any trouble ticket that you send through our hosting Control Panel within 1 hour max. The ticket response time is guaranteed no matter if you’ve got a general query in regard to your semi-dedicated server or you stumble upon some obstacle and you won’t have to wait even that long for most issues. Irrespective of what the nature of the issue is or what time of day or night it is, we will be there to assist you, as we’re available day and night to deal with any general, billing or technical issue. If you get in touch with us about anything that’s within our capability, we’ll solve it before we answer, so you will not have to wait around for hours or even days while the problem continues. If there is something that you have to do on your end, we’ll supply you with the necessary details – what workable solutions to try, what steps to take, etc.